iSIIDFCT | Junior Innovator

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A noisy classroom typically refers to an educational environment where there is a high level of ambient noise or sound. This noise can be distracting and impact students’ ability to focus and learn effectively. It can trigger stress and anxiety levels in students. To address this challenge, we introduce the NoiseFree Classroom device. The Noise-Free Classroom device aims to foster a conducive learning environment. It can enhance learning because productive classrooms allow effective instruction delivery and active student participation. The second aim is to contribute to students’ comfort and mental ease. The third aim is to improve communication between teachers and students. The device utilizes IoT components, including a sensor bit, an OLED screen, and trafficlight-like coloured LEDs. The built-in microphone detects sound levels and lights these LEDs accordingly. In addition, the sensor bit also provides realtime data on the ambient noise level in decibels (dB). The noise level readings are displayed on the OLED screen. Students and teachers can easily see the current noise intensity. The sensor bit triggers different LED colours based on the noise level. The Green LED indicates a normal range (up to 60 dB) while Yellow shows a moderately noisy (60–85 dB) environment, and finally the Red LED detects harmful noise levels (above 90 dB). By using noise detection devices effectively, teachers can create a more conducive learningenvironment for all students. This can lead to improved learning outcomes, reduced stress levels, and enhanced classroom management. Our noise-free classroom device promotes better mental health and emotional stability.