iSIIDFCT | Junior Innovator

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ECOLIFE ESSENTIAL focuses on using fog water harvesting, hydro generators, solar panels, clean energy transportation, and aqua hydroponics to create a sustainable and green future. Robotics plays a key role in automating these processes and improving efficiency. Fog water harvesting collects water from fog using filters and water sensors controlled by Arduino Uno, ensuring safe and drinkable water and preventing waste. Excess water is stored in tanks for later use. Solar panels provide clean energy for homes and other uses, such as transportation. Smart solar-powered streetlights with motion detection, using Arduino Uno technology, save electricity by turning on only when cars approach. In the hydroponic system, fish waste fertilizes vegetables, with water pumped by solar-powered hydro pumps. Maker Uno x technology prevents theft by turning on red lights and sounding a siren if someone tries to steal, and it allows workers RFID access to control security systems. The fish farm uses Arduino Uno for surveillance and theft prevention, with fish waste repurposed as fertilizer. Hydroelectric generators convert water energy from the fish farm into electricity for homes and communities. This multifaceted approach enhances sustainability and promotes a cleaner, greener future. Future recommendations include further integrating robotics and clean technologies to increase efficiency and project scalability.