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Bixa orellana L., commonly called Anatto, Achiote or Lipstick Tree is a tropical shrub tree that is native to tropical parts of Central and South America. It has been introduced over time to tropical areas around the world including South East Asia. The plant bears pink flowers, bright red spiny fruits and red-orange seeds which produce resinous coating containing pigment called bixin. The aim of this invention was to investigate potential of Bixa orellana as natural dye source for batik in nano size powder form. The seed was extracted using solvent extraction method. Liquid extracts were then converted into paste form using rotary evaporator and the dried pastes were then encapsulated with beta-cyclodextrin and ball milling to form nano size powder. The dye powder was then used to dye 100% satin silk batik simultaneously with mordant. The dyed batik was then compared in term of colour shades and colourfastness using Malaysian Standard. The dyed batiks show moderate to good results for washing, perspiration, rubbing and light fastness. This finding would give added values to the uniqueness of natural dyed products especially batik. The nano size powder form of Bixa’s dyes has potential to be introduced in textile dyeing and printing industries as it has longer shelf life, easy to handle, better dyes penetration, brighter dyed colour and good colourfastness properties. This nano-sized dyes powder form processes technique also suitable to be used for any potential vegetation dyes source.