GH201: EC My DReA

Nur Syahmina Ahmad Azhar Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka

iSIIDFCT | Greenhorn Innovator

CR: 0.5796 | 626 Likes | 1080 Views | 56 times | LS: 1,044.8
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The East Coast Malay Dialect Recognition Application (EC My DReA) leverages advanced speech recognition technology to identify and analyze dialectical variations within the East Coast Malay linguistic community. Utilizing a Teachable Machine model integrated into a highly interactive and visually engaging web-based interface, EC My DReA offers an intuitive platform for users to engage in real-time dialect recognition. The application processes audio inputs through a Fourier transform-based model, delivering probabilistic scores that visualize the likelihood of various dialects being spoken. This innovative tool not only facilitates linguistic research and preservation efforts but also serves educational purposes by enhancing users' understanding of dialect diversity. The application's design emphasizes user engagement with smooth animations, feedback sounds, and adaptive dark mode, ensuring accessibility and an enjoyable user experience. By harnessing the power of machine learning and web technologies, EC My DReA stands as a significant contribution to the field of sociolinguistics and language technology, providing a scalable and user-friendly solution for dialect recognition and analysis.