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This study titled Powerful Ribuglent was produced to overcome the problem of rice quickly spoiling, breaking, and easily going stale due to rice lice attack. Rice bug also known as rice weevils, which is a type of beetle that exist mainly in our coutry’s equatorial climate, has a small size and usually found in crops in the field before harvest and also only visible after rice processing. Since almost all Malaysians make rice their daily staple food, the problem of rice being attacked by rice weevils must be overcome to ensure that the rice purchased is in good condition, the quality of the rice is not affected and it is not easy to spoil. Rice weevil are able to leave their eggs in the rice and become the cause of why the rice is easily damaged such as broken, discolorent and easily stale when it has been cooked. This Powerful Ribuglent is a type of product created to prevent rice bugs from contaminating rice in every home. This product is produced using a combination of herbal leaves such as Salam leaves (Syzygium polyanthum), Semambu leaves (Azadirachta indica) that have been dried and black pepper that is ground and mixed together and put into a bag without using any preservatives and adding any chemicals substance to ensure the safety of the user. The use of Salam leaves and Semambu leaves are proven to repel pests effectively. The creation of this Poweful Ribuglent is to ensure that the rice found in every home is free from rice weevil to preserve the quality of our rice besides can reduce the presence of rice weevils especially for consumer and the food management sector.