iSIIDFCT | Junior Innovator

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Driver fatigue is a significant contributor to road accidents, especially among long-haul truck drivers and transport operators. To address this critical concern, we propose an innovative solution: the “Anti-Sleep Eye Blink Detection System for Drivers Using IR Sensor.” The primary objective of our system is to prevent accidents caused by drowsy driving. Our system utilizes an IR sensor to monitor the driver’s alertness levels. When the driver wears the specially designed spectacles with the sensor fitted, it continuously tracks eye movements. When the driver closes their eyes for an extended period, the system triggers an alert. This alert can be in the form of a beep or vibration, ensuring that the driver regains focus and opens their eyes promptly. The system continuously analyzes the driver’s eye blinks. If prolonged eye closure occurs, the alert mechanism activates, prompting the driver to take corrective actions. By addressing drowsiness-induced lapses in attention, our system significantly reduces the risk of accidents caused by fatigue. Ensuring the safety of drivers, passengers, and other road users is our top priority. In conclusion, the “Anti-Sleep Eye Blink Detection System for Drivers Using IR Sensor” project holds immense potential to enhance road safety. By empowering drivers with timely alerts, we pave the way for safer roads and a more secure transportation ecosystem.