The increasing awareness of environmental sustainability has led to innovative solutions aimed at reducing plastic waste. One such innovation is the development of smart recycle plastic pillows. These pillows are manufactured using recycled plastic, significantly contributing to waste reduction and resource conservation. The importance of smart recycle plastic pillows spans environmental, economic, and social domains. Environmentally, these pillows help mitigate the accumulation of plastic waste in landfills and oceans, conserve natural resources, and lower the carbon footprint associated with plastic production. Economically, the recycling process is cost-effective and promotes job creation within the recycling industry. Additionally, the production of recycled plastic pillows supports the principles of a circular economy, emphasizing reuse and recycling over the production of new materials. This abstract explores the multifaceted benefits of smart recycle plastic pillows, highlighting their role in fostering innovation, sustainability, and a more eco-conscious consumer market. Plastic are using gradually all over the world. It will increase solid waste in our surrounding. Plastics are polluting our environment because plastics cannot be decomposed. If you buried the plastics, it takes a long period of time to decompose. Rivers and drains are getting polluted and stuck when dumping the plastic wastes. The awareness of public to reduce the usage of plastics is very less. The amount of plastic bags is increasing. It causes the amount of plastic waste increasing in households. The housing residents are simply throwing the plastic waste away and some of them are burning it without knowing it’s dangerous. Because of it, we try our best to collect used plastic bags and invent a better way to reduce plastics in our environment as recycle pillows. Different size, colour, type of plastics was collected and cut thick type of plastic in rectangular shape as pillow cover. Af