iSIIDFCT | Junior Innovator

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Every time we assist our parents and teacher to mop the floor, the floor is still wet. We have slipped and fell on many occasions as we can injure ourselves. We developed the magic cleaner (ECO Magic Cleaner) to mop as and dry the floor dry simultaneously to solve our problem and prevent unfortunate accidents from happening. Especially, elderly doing mopping. Our ECO Magic Cleaner can clean and remove excess water from any surfaces such as floors, tiles, windows, tables, fans, etc. We remove excess water by attaching a scraper to our magic cleaner. Why we name our invention ECO Magic Cleaner? It is because we, implement the 3R (reduce, recycle and reuse), whereby, we reduce the buying of new mop and we recycle it by attaching a scraper and old microfiber cloths, and we reuse it to clean window, tiles tables and mop the floor etc. For better result, we use a microfiber cloth to absorb the excess water. We have also tested our ECO Magic Cleaner using other type of recyclable cloth such as towels, old cotton t-shirts etc. At home we separate our trashes and implement recycling, at school we are taught about importance of recycling and our government encourages us to recycle too. This means that we need to reduce the amount of waste produced and finding ways to reduce, recycle and reuse. Our government can implement policies, rules and regulations to encourage waste reduction and recycling. Therefore, please reduce, recycle, and reuse for our better future and love our planet. Do support our invention to protect mother earth.