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Banana stem waste, an often-overlooked by product of the banana industry, causes significant environmental challenges when improperly disposed of. Many banana farmers may be unaware of the potential benefits of proper banana stem disposal. They may not realize that these stems can be utilized effectively rather than being left to decompose and contribute to environmental problems. The disposal of banana stem waste creates several issues that may have an impact on ecosystems, public health, and the overall environment. The first issue that could arise from improper disposal of banana stem waste is it contributes to environmental pollution. According to Subagyo et al. (2018), when banana stems are dumped in wet conditions or burned, methane will be released which can produce greenhouse gases. Methane emissions contribute to global warming and climate change by changing weather patterns and ecosystems which results in further degrading the environment. Additionally, improper management of banana stem waste poses threats to local ecosystems. The decomposition process releases harmful substances that contaminate soil and water sources. These contaminants have a negative impact on soil quality, groundwater, flora and fauna. Uncontrolled disposal also degrades soil fertility and capacity to support the establishment of healthy plants and agriculture. Furthermore, the careless disposal of banana stem waste results in unhealthy surroundings. The decomposing organic matter attracts pests, fostering the spread of disease-carrying vectors like rats proliferate and insects. This puts the health of the surrounding communities at risk and increases the risk of disease transmission. Therefore, it is important to address the possible problems that may arise as a result of improper disposal of banana stems. These problems are not only harmful to the environment, but they also have a significant impact on human well-being.