iSIIDFCT | Junior Innovator

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A smart refrigerator is a tool in a workplace and a living place that can be used and monitored effectively via smart phone. The objective of the project is to generate electricity using a solar power system to help the refrigerator system to minimize expenses over conventional energy production technology and to test the rate at which energy is consumed. The second objective is to design a moving solar refrigerator for disabled people and senior citizens for their needs. The third objective is to provide foods and medicines for COVID 19 patients. In addition, this refrigerator can be used in two ways, either by electric power or solar system. Solar cells are capable of directly converting sunlight into electricity. The material for this project also has special characteristics such as a charge controller working to control the power from the solar panel which reverses back to solar panel. As a result of this whole project successfully produced a solar system for this refrigerator, the system has been good accuracy with an average error rate of monitoring results of solar panel. The results of analysis and discussions concluded that the solar system to generate electricity for smart moving refrigerator has achieved its objective. This Smart Solar Refrigerator (SSR) can be commercialize to to hospitals or old folk homes.