iSIIDFCT | Junior Innovator

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Our main purpose of inventing this vacuum cleaner is to save time and energy of a person to tidy up their house, workplace or maybe classrooms. If we notice closely, sweeping the floor in the traditional way by using a broom takes more time and energy. Furthermore, sometimes we fail to trap all the dust and tiny dirt. Therefore, vacuum cleaners are invented to make things easier. Most importantly, our vacuum cleaner is way cheaper than the usual one as we used affordable and old recyclable things. Firstly, we took two different PVC pipes, one is long, thin and has a small diameter and another is big, thick, appropriate size and has a large diameter. We attached an electric motor and a small fan together inside of the large diameter PVC pipe. We do attach a switch to turn on and off this entire circuit . We connected this mechanism to the old reusable battery from a motorcycle using small wires. We glued the battery visibly outside of the big PVC pipe. There's a net inside to avoid dirt clogs and damage the function of the fan. Lastly, we joined both pipes together and it can be used as a vacuum cleaner now. We have turned the chemical energy into kinetic energy. We are gladly introducing this invention to everyone as it's affordable, portable, space and time saving. By this we can also recycle things such as reusing the old battery, mini electric motor and so on. This vacuum cleaner will guarantee cleanliness of rooms, floors and houses.