iSIIDFCT | Young Innovator

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Our innovation project, named as "MGSTEENLIZER," aims to explore the potential utilisation of "discarded mangosteen coulis" used as main source for this fertiliser. Our school is surrounded by mangosteen trees, and we had come up with an idea to make the fertiliser from the leftover mangosteen peels. Instead of just wasting discarding mangosteen skin in large quantities so we decided to use it to make as fertiliser. Mangosteen peel contains "Xanthones", a substance in the flavanol group that is effective in combatting or halting various types of inflammation with qualities such as anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and anti-oxidant. Anti - microbial serve as plant defense mechanisms against predation by microorganisms, insects, and herbivores. Other than that, food leftovers were utilised as by-components during the production of this product. As we all know, the food waste produce methane gas. When food is thrown out, it eventually makes its way to landfills (which can cause themselves be a problem for the environment). As that food begins to decompose or rot, it releases methane gas and produce a very foul smell. Methane is well recognised as a greenhouse gas, and it can cause bad impact on the earth's climate and temperature that had been concern among numerous experts. Our main intention regarding the innovation of this organic fertilser from mangosteen peel is actually to replace the typical chemical fertiliser that has been widely used in agricultural industry.