iSIIDFCT | Junior Innovator

CR: 0.0227 | 1 Likes | 44 Views | 93 times | LS: 94.0
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This action research aims to enhance basic learning skills among remedial students from B40 families through the introduction of Vallara Biscuits, made from the Gotu Kola plant (Centella asiatica). Recognizing that poor nutrition significantly impacts students' cognitive functions and learning abilities, this study focuses on five remedial students in Year 2 and Year 3 who struggle to grasp fundamental skills. These students often lack concentration, have low self-esteem, and receive minimal support at home.The objectives of this research are to help these students master basic skills, improve their memory retention, and increase their interest in learning. Vallara Biscuits, enriched with the benefits of Gotu Kola, which is known to boost memory, enhance cognitive function, stimulate brain activity, and improve overall mental capabilities, were provided to the students regularly.The intervention involved monitoring the students' progress over two weeks through reading tests and classroom observations. Initial results showed no significant changes, but after one week, improvements in memory and reading skills were noted. By the end of two weeks, all students demonstrated enhanced memory retention, increased interest in attending school, and improved performance in reading tasks.The findings suggest that nutritional interventions such as Vallara Biscuits can play a crucial role in improving cognitive functions and learning outcomes for remedial students from low-income families. This research highlights the importance of addressing nutritional deficiencies to support academic success and overall well-being in educational settings.