iSIIDFCT | Junior Innovator

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Food waste is a big problem. We’re tackling it here at Thistle, but households also have a role to play in fighting the problem. The basics of household food waste reduction include meal planning, eating leftovers, and composting. But what’s natural dye got to do with reducing food waste at home? What’s the connection? In the case of avocado, think about how much of the fruit you actually don’t eat. The inedible peel and pit make up a large amount! When you transform the peel pit into a beautiful natural dye, you send less food waste to the landfill. What about compost? Yes, composting is great, but when it comes to avocados, it takes up to six months for the pit and peel to decompose into nutrients the soil can readily absorb! That’s a lot slower than most other kitchen scraps, especially for DIY compost. Meanwhile, pits and peels that are simmered to make natural dye break down much faster. More beautiful DIY style for you. More nourishment reaching the earth at a faster pace. Everybody wins!