iSIIDFCT | Young Innovator

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G-straw is an abbreviation of the word from Green Straw based on soybean waste. Ingredients that we used from soybean waste, flour, cornstarch, tapioca starch, rice flour, agar – agar powder and icing sugar. This straw is a one of the others product variations from the original plastic straw that people usually used. People can use this G-straw while enjoying their drinks daily without worrying about environmental pollution. The high consumption rate of plastic straws will cause pollution of nature as it takes a long time to dispose. Therefore, we created G-straw to reduce the dumping of used plastic straw in landfills. In one recipe, it will produce 6 straws which is cost RM 5.71, where the cost of a straw is RM 0.95. This cost can be reduced if the materials are purchase in bulk. The benefit of this straw is, it contains isovlafan that will help in reduce diabetes risk and also it will help in reduce cholesterol. Other than that, the benefits in this G-straw is, it will help reduce soybean waste and verifying edible straw. This G-straw is vegan friendly because the ingredients that we used are vegan and organic. One of the commercial potentials that can be carry out by promoting products through the website where it is easy to connect with people around the world. This straw can hold up until 45 minutes with room temperature drink before it gets soggy after we test it. Lastly, this G-straw can be used from all generations as it contains healthy ingredients. Keywords: straw, pollution, soybean