iSIIDFCT | Junior Innovator

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According to surveys ,13 million tonnes of garbage and waste disposal are being thrown to ocean each year. If we keep dumping this in the oceans, by 2050 there will be more garbage than fish in the sea. This is not only effecting aquatic life but also impacting living thing in the planet. These wastages are also responsible for 8-10% of global greenhouse gas emissions such us methane. The wastages also contribute to environmental cleanliness issues, such as rubbish accumulation. To help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, pollution to the environment and to save the aquatic life, we have innovated a table with triple R concept. What is triple R table – It`s a table which follows the 3R rule which is Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. The AIM of our innovation is from: SDG’s Goal 12 – to Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns to transform our world to be a better place to live for all the living things. The objective of our innovation is to reduce the single- consumption use items and to avoid waste management issues by reducing, reusing items, and recycling materials in that order. We have completely used recycled material for our innovation. The items are: Used carton boxes Thrown cans such as: condense milk and carbonated drink Juice bottles plastic Used downlight aluminum casing Thrown egg trays Bottle caps Plastic straw PVC pipe Bulb Flexible pipe Wire and battery Firstly, we have collected all the recycled materials from recycle center such as bottles, cans and carton boxes. Then we structured the table according to the design. The reasons the use of these materials: Aluminum cans at the middle of the table is to create a strong base. Egg trays are to cover the side of the smashed cans for safety purposes. Straws at the side of the table are to cover the sharp edges. Thick rice plastic to cover the table to ensure the table is water poof if water spills. Preethika On the other hand, we have started to plan and execute our plan to design our Tripl